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Introducing LCentral BOOST

a powerful online platform designed to enhance your child’s learning experience.

FREE for all LCentral Success students!

Look out for:

  • Weekly quizzes to review key concepts
  • Practice tests to assess your child’s performance
  • Automated marking with detailed solutions to guide understanding
  • Student analytics to identify your child’s strengths and learning gaps


LCentral’s primary school programmes align with MOE standards and cover all MOE English language components, such as composition writing, grammar and vocabulary usage,reading comprehension, and more. We strive to develop our students in all aspects of literacy (reading, writing, speaking and listening), and equip them with meaningful exam strategies to help them achieve

What will I get?

Weekly MOE-aligned Lessons:

Our classes are aligned with Singapore’s MOE English Language syllabus, ensuring relevance and effectiveness.

Comprehensive Termly Workbook:

Our workbooks cover essential primary school English language components, offering a thorough learning experience.

Success Writing Handbook:

Complementing the main workbook, the Success Writing Handbooks are crafted to enhance your child’s writing skills.

LCentral BOOST:

Reinforce learning at home with our online learning platform. Look out for weekly quizzes, practice tests, and more!

Weekly Lesson Review Messages for Parents:

Stay informed with our weekly updates, detailing class content and recommending activities to support your child’s learning journey at home.

Click here to discover how we can contribute to your child’s academic success!
