Pesan Sekarang

Pesan Sekarang

About Grammies

Grammies is a specially crafted English grammar programme which combines methods of promoting a child’s executive function by building on their working memory, providing engaging and stimulating hands-on activities, and leveraging the power of visual learning to help them retain information and apply it correctly.

Grammies goes beyond drilling and rote learning. We match a child’s learning ability at their right cognitive development stage to our classroom and curriculum delivery methods.

3 Key Features

Our innovative, child-friendly programme places grammar at the heart of meaningful communication.

Powered by LCentral’s 360
Teaching Method

Unique Concept to
Help Children Learn – Grammies

Specifically-designed Learning
and Teaching Materials

6 Key Benefits

Cultivating confident, knowledgeable, and skilled communicators through a tailored programme that has lasting impact.

Mastering Basic
Grammatical Concepts


Grammatical Terms

Sentence-Formation Skills
Active Demonstration
of Knowledge

We put the Fun in Fundamentals!

By the end of this course, children will be able to:

Identify and apply many grammatical concepts from basic (like adjectives and adverbs) to advanced (like determiners and concord).

Write short sentences and stories using standard grammar accurately and for effective communication.

Apply basic and advanced grammatical concepts in oral and written activities.

Develop a deeper appreciation for the English language.

Lessons per term

terms a year

Total Lessons

Contact Us

Discover the excellence of LCentral’s English language programmes, conveniently available at 16 centres across the island.

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