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How To Start a Composition

How To Start a Composition

How To Start a Composition Starting a composition can be a daunting task, especially for students who want to craft a compelling and engaging piece of writing. Whether it’s a story, an essay, or a creative piece, knowing how to effectively start a composition is...
How to Write Better with Good Sentence Starters

How to Write Better with Good Sentence Starters

How to Write Better with Good Sentence Starters Writing is a fundamental skill that extends beyond just stringing words together. In academic writing, the beginning of a sentence determines how effectively ideas are communicated. Sentence starters can be incredibly...
Cloze Passage Exercises: Answering Guide

Cloze Passage Exercises: Answering Guide

Cloze Passage Exercises: Answering Guide Cloze passage exercises are a key component of English language assessments in Singapore, including the PSLE (Primary School Leaving Examination). These exercises challenge students to fill in blanks within a passage using...
How Vivid Verbs Improve Your Child’s Writing

How Vivid Verbs Improve Your Child’s Writing

How Vivid Verbs Improve Your Child’s Writing Writing is an essential skill that evolves as children progress through school. For parents with children preparing for the PSLE (Primary School Leaving Examination), understanding how to enhance their writing can...