Our Collection of Articles
As educators with a passion for sharing what we know and love, we’ll regularly update this collection with articles on literacy, learning, leadership and other topics we care about and think you’ll enjoy reading about. Visit this section often for carefully curated articles on all things LCentral!
How to Improve Visual Text Comprehension for PSLE
Visual Text Comprehension is a critical skill in today’s educational landscape, particularly for students preparing for the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE).
How to Score Full Marks for Situational Writing
Situational Writing is an important part of the Primary School Leaving Examination English Paper and other exams in primary and secondary school.
How to Help Your Child to Master English Composition Writing
Effective composition writing is essential for developing strong writing skills necessary for school work. Whether you’re doing your homework or taking a test, communicating your ideas clearly and concisely is essential.
Getting Ready for PSLE Stimulus-based Conversation
Preparing for the PSLE stimulus-based conversation can be both exciting and challenging for students and their parents.
PSLE Composition Topics: Exam Themes
Continuous Writing, often called “compo”, is a significant component of the PSLE English examination in Singapore. It demands creativity, clarity, and a solid grasp of the English language.
How to Ace PSLE Listening Comprehension
To ace the PSLE Listening Comprehension, students must be well-prepared and employ effective strategies.