Our Collection of Articles
As educators with a passion for sharing what we know and love, we’ll regularly update this collection with articles on literacy, learning, leadership and other topics we care about and think you’ll enjoy reading about. Visit this section often for carefully curated articles on all things LCentral!
PSLE Oral Topics: What to Expect
The PSLE English Oral assessment is a critical part of the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE), demanding significant attention and preparation from students.
How to Use Descriptive Words
Descriptive words are essential in English, allowing writers to create vivid images and evoke emotions in their readers.
Videos as a Learning Tool
Top Four Ways Videos Can be Used in Teaching English
Zoom vs ClassIn – Comparison
With so many different online learning platforms out there, here is why we chose ClassIn!
Choosing an Online Learning Platforms: Top Three Functions
Key points to consider when moving education into the digital space.
What is Quality Screen Time?
Did you know that not all screen time is equal? How do you make smart, informed decisions about your child’s screen time?