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Pesan Sekarang

Good Idioms for Composition and How To Use Them

Good Idioms for Composition and How To Use Them

Good Idioms for Composition and How To Use Them Idioms are an integral part of the English language. They bring life to writing by adding colour, depth, and creativity. When used correctly, idioms can enhance a child’s composition, making it more engaging and...
Good Words and Phrases for Composition: A Guide

Good Words and Phrases for Composition: A Guide

Good Words and Phrases for Composition: A Guide Writing a compelling composition is a vital skill for primary school children, and it’s one that can be nurtured through the effective use of language. This guide explores good words and phrases for composition, why they...
Show-and-Tell: How to Help Your Child Prepare

Show-and-Tell: How to Help Your Child Prepare

Show-and-Tell: How to Help Your Child Prepare Preparing your child for Show-and-Tell can boost their confidence and improve their communication skills. With the right guidance, they can feel ready to present in front of their classmates. This blog offers helpful tips...
How To Start a Composition

How To Start a Composition

How To Start a Composition Starting a composition can be a daunting task, especially for students who want to craft a compelling and engaging piece of writing. Whether it’s a story, an essay, or a creative piece, knowing how to effectively start a composition is...
How to Write Better with Good Sentence Starters

How to Write Better with Good Sentence Starters

How to Write Better with Good Sentence Starters Writing is a fundamental skill that extends beyond just stringing words together. In academic writing, the beginning of a sentence determines how effectively ideas are communicated. Sentence starters can be incredibly...
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